Monday, August 11, 2008

From Robin Sharma's blog - I

Life isn't predictable. Some things just don't work out as planned. Setbacks happen. Problems show up. That's just life happening. To fight it is to fight the seasons.

But through the ups and downs, there is one striking consistency: we all have the power of choice. Liberating idea isn't it. We have no power over the way some things ultimately turn out. But in every hour and in every day, we have the capacity to choose how we will think/perform and show up. And that's a ton of power.

And each of these choices is like a seed. It gets planted and must ultimately bear some fruit. Every action is a cause set in motion. There isn't a single choice you make that doesn't drive some result.

So today, choose your best. Stand in your power to create remarkable things at work and in home. Remember, you are not a victim. You are so much more.

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